We hold termly Online Safety Weeks. Staying safe online is an increasing challenge in today’s world. For parents, knowing how to keep their family safe can be daunting and confusing. We are thrilled to be able to send home a copy of Digital Parenting magazine for you to read this is a valuable resource for parents and adults. The magazine contains a wealth of important and easy to follow advice and information which will help keep your family safe online.
Linking in with Anti-Bullying Week, the children think about appropriate and kind conduct not only to each other in the ‘real’ world but also online.
We revisit Online Safety every term because we know how important it is for children and our school community to feel safe online and know what to do if they feel at risk. As parents you should think carefully about the kinds of computer games and online content your child might access. We strongly recommend you look at this site: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/game-reviews It is for parents only, giving an in-depth, factual rating and analysis of most games, apps and films, clearly itemising content, levels of language and the kind of content your child might be exposed to whilst playing these games.
Don’t forget that almost all online computer games now come with messaging functions built in. This means your child could be chatting online to strangers and coming into contact with content and opinions that are unsuitable or leave them at risk. For more information on social media functions within computer games please visit: http://www.torbayvirtuallysafe.co.uk/parents/gaming/
We have also found that family agreements are something practical that children and parents can discuss and agree together. These can be very effective as they give both child and parent responsibility. There is a good template at: http://www.childnet.com/ufiles/Family-agreement-template.pdf
The Family Agreement can go up on the fridge so everyone at home is always reminded of what’s been agreed.
For further information on setting ‘Safe Search’ functions and other safety tools on Google: https://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/safetycenter/families/start/
For general advice, resources and information on specific online safety issues: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/
Any queries or issues; please speak with your child’s class teacher.
As parents you can support your child in staying safe online by having a quick look at some of these resources listed below. These websites have comprehensive information for parents and children as well as top tips and contact details should you have concerns or need further information.
Don’t forget, you can also talk to our Safeguarding Lead if you have any queries or concerns, or simply would like further information on helping you and your family stay safe online.