Our school has been appointed as a Read Write Inc. Model School for the academic years 2016/17 as a result of our excellent practice of Read Write Inc. Phonics.
We use the highly successful Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to teach our children to read, write and spell and by Year 2, the majority are fluent readers with the best chance of success in the KS1 tests.
Ruth Miskin Training recognise us for teaching the Read Write Inc. programmes with fidelity and passion – we know what it takes to make literacy pleasurable and rewarding for our children.
This badge says that we:
At the Learning Academy Partnership, we are committed to ensuring that every child is reading by the age of six. We ensure this by using an early reading programme called Read Write Inc. The programme is a phonics programme which rapidly teaches children to learn phonics and be able to decode words in order to read.
Read Write Inc is for:
We teach pupils to:
Each day, across the Learning Academy Partnership, RWINC lessons take place – with no interruptions! We group pupils based on their phonic knowledge which ensures that children are challenged at the correct level and make rapid progress.
We make sure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and the ‘tricky words’. This is so that, early on, they experience success and gain confidence that they are readers. Re-reading and discussing these books with the teacher supports their increasingly fluent decoding.
Alongside this, the teachers read a wide range of stories, poetry and non-fiction to pupils; they are soon able to read these texts for themselves.
Embedding the alphabetic code early on means that pupils quickly learn to write simple words and sentences. We encourage them to compose each sentence aloud until they are confident to write independently. We make sure they write every day.
Pupils write at the level of their spelling knowledge, that is, they use their knowledge of the alphabetic code and the tricky words they have learnt. They can soon spell more complex words confidently and accurately. The quality of the vocabulary they use in their writing reflects the language they have heard in the books the teacher has read to them; they have also discussed what the words mean.
Best of all, the programme is fun! Children learn to read with the help of Fred Frog, partner work and high levels of participation! The children love the sessions and we celebrate our achievements with cheers such as: Fireworks, Round of a Claws, Ketchup Clap, Happy Feet and Bubble Claps! We even make up our own!
Our aim is for pupils to complete the phonics programme as quickly as possible. The sooner they complete it, the sooner they will be able to choose books to read at their own interest and comprehension level which enables them to become a fully independent and fluent reader.
Knowing how to help your child to learn to read can be incredibly worrying and confusing for parents. In order to help you understand how what your child is doing in their RWINC lessons and how to help, we have provided some links to some tutorials. These tutorials are videos clips which give you information about what to do and how to do it! Have a look and if you want to know more, come and have a chat to your child’s teacher.